作詞:川上洋平 作曲:川上洋平
So now the year is ending
And I'm sick and tired
of the noise
I go out, breathe some air
it's bitching cold
街が忙しくなって 人も早送り
When the street becomes busy and people fast-forward,
僕は一時停止のまま 立ち止まって 落ち着いて
I come to a stop instantaneously to regain myself.
この一年思い返そう 眉間にシワ寄せる事も 思わずほころぶ事も
Thinking back upon this year, even for things that bring eyebrows’ wrinkles together, and things that bring a broad smile spontaneously.
あと少しで今年も終わるけど ああ何か 忘れてないか
A bit more to go before the end of the year; have I not forgotten something?
愛想笑いで頑張った自分を 少し褒めてあげよう
Let’s give a little compliment to the self who tried hard to make a fake smile.
誰かの悪口を言った 誰かを見下した
Have said bad things, and have looked down on somebody
認めたくないけど 全部自分だった
Unwilling to admit though, those were all I did.
誰かに優しくしても 裏には見返りを求めるあつかましい自分がいた
It was the shameless self asking for return deep inside while doing good for somebody.
思い返すと 苦くなる 情けないにも程がある
Making me feel bitter every time I think over it, and it is pathetic to a limit.
周りが見えない自分に 喝を入れよう
So, let’s put a shout to the self who is unable to notice surroundings!
都合の良い事だけ覚えておきながら ああ何か 忘れてないか
Despite recalling the convenient things, have I not forgotten something?
周りのせいにしてばかりの自分を 多いに反省して
Reflect a lot of the self who only blames the people surrounding.
あと一時間足らずで 今年も終わるから
Since less than an hour has to go before the end of the year,
ここいらで一息ついて 見つめ直そう
Let’s take a breath and reconsider in this vicinity:
The street that falls completely silent,
The sleepy-looking convenient store,
Making a speech to the mouth-filling Oden on one’s own,
The parent and child who do not give their seats on the train,
And the only-criticizing commentator,
Only noticing somebody’s weakness;
他人の振りを見て 我が振り直そう
While seeing other’s manner, I shall reconsider my own.
いつまでも人間は 失敗と反省を繰り返すけど
Although human beings are forever and ever repeating failure and reflection,
同じくらい挑戦と 希望を捨て切れない
I just cannot throw away as much challenge and hope.
あと2分で今年も終わるから ああ全部 吐き出そうぜ
Since it is two minutes before the end of this year, just spit out all of them
流され流され 気付けば失った本当の表情
Flushed and swept away, the authentic expression that lost if I noticed
あと 50秒で今年も終わるけど
Fifty seconds to go before the end of the year,
ああだから 来年こそ 見つめ直した自分を信頼して
So, definitely be confident in the reconsidered self in the coming year.
除夜の鐘を鳴らそう としたら寝てしまった
Seems that I have fallen asleep when the temple bell on New Year’s Eve was ringing.
And now the year has ended
You can hear the sun is
rinsing up for a new year
[Alexandros] 12/26以降の年末ソング
十二月有好多節日、聖誕節好似同十二月畫上等號一般。由十二月一號就開始拆既Christmas countdown gift box、商場掛起既雪花燈飾、變凍而開始戴既冷帽都無一不在提醒聖誕就快嚟到;一下子就到了,咁boxing day打後呢?可以做的是不是就只可以等多幾日、等到除夕倒數過新年?